Thursday, February 21, 2008

Bluebeam PDF Revu 6.0, released on February 19, 2008……..and it rocks.

Talk about making your PDF files

See the new features here

Volume measurements and counts items on a PDF.  Store the drawing scale in the PDF, set multiple scales on a single PDF drawing with Viewports.  New snapping features ensure the most accurate measurement.  Yes, we now snap to geometry in the PDF………accuracy in measurements has been greatly enhanced

Digital Signatures
Electronically sign PDF documents to support an electronic workflow and protect your intellectual property.  Create customized signatures, sign documents, validate signatures

WebTab integrates a full web browser giving you direct access to the web within Revu.  Search online for PDF brochures, online PDF catalogs and other documents and view them in Revu. Copy, paste and assemble the PDF documents to produce a new PDF file, ready for distribution.

Advanced Editing
New advanced features make it easy to fill out PDF forms, link and attach related content to your PDF.  New typewriter tool makes it easy to add text to a PDF, just click and type.  Embed any kind of file in a PDF to send as one information rich, PDF document.   Add, edit and reorder bookmarks with simple drag and drop functionality.  Your editing options are endless.

Batch Compare Documents
Compare documents automatically compares two PDF files and highlights the differences.  Now in 6.0, batches of PDF files can be compared to an original document for even more time savings We’ve found that this feature works great on site plans. Quickly identify changes between different versions of a PDF.

PDF File Attachments
Embed any kind of file in a PDF to send as one information rich, PDF document.  File attachments in the PDF are designated with an icon that can be double clicked to open in the appropriate local application.

PDF Bookmark Enhancements
Rearranging and editing PDF bookmarks just got easier. Revu utilizes drag and drop functionality to reorder bookmarks in a PDF and allows users to multi-select bookmarks to change the properties or actions associated with bookmarks.

File Recovery 
Don’t worry about losing PDF edits if your computer crashes or the power goes off. Bluebeam’s new file recovery will allow you to recover the document with all your work intact.

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